C2S partnered with a global system integrator in providing the solutions

Cloud Testing Services


It is imperial to ensure a quality game releases and functional excellence games devices, which can be achieved by testing the games and devices scientifically.


Tier 1 Global System Integrator


C2S has helped end customer release key products (operating systems, major titles and hardware devices) at best of its quality.


C2S provides testing services in the areas of:

  • On-Demand Localization Services
  • On-Demand Certification Services
  • On-Demand Functionality Testing Services

Tier 1 Service provider is helping a global gaming and software giant in delivering OS, games, devices on-time to market. C2S partnered with a global system integrator in providing the solutions.

  • C2S has created a pool of 200 testers consisting of manual testers, gamers and language experts.
  • C2S trained them in certification, testing and bug reporting.
  • C2S brings these testers based on the need of the project. With on-demand testing solution delivery.
  • C2S has helped with bringing in the right talent for the testing needs and helped save significantly.