Data and Cloud

Data And Cloud Transformation


The client wanted to migrate 1500+ knowledge articles in different file formats stored in SharePoint and ServiceNow to Dynamics 365.


  • High-quality throughput (2-level QC validation)
  •  Proven track record of on-time delivery
  • Lower migration cost
  • Minimal downtime
  • Training and post-production support



  • Centralized repository for authoring
  • Configurable workflows
  • Built-in version control
  • Ability to provide feedback
  • Analytics to track views and feedback
  • Easier navigation through collapsible sections
  • Future translation capabilities for localized languages


An end-to-end solution was proposed and executed using the C2S-D365 Migration Tool. All files of different formats were converted to html format and put through a 2-step QC validation using automated tools. Migration was first executed in the test environment and then in the production environment.